September 4, 1990 - No motions

September 18, 1990

Motion #01-01:

The Faculty Senate approves Feasibility/Planning proposals for a BA in Dance and a BFA in Dance subject to final approval by the Undergraduate Council.

Motion #01-02:

The Faculty Senate accepts the recommendation of the Graduate Council that the proposal to implement the Ph.D in Social Welfare be accepted.

Motion #01-03:

The Faculty Senate accepts the recommendation of the Graduate Council that the proposal to implement the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering be accepted.

Motion #01-04:

The Faculty Senate accepts the recommendation of the Graduate Council that the proposal to plan a Ph.D. in International Relations, be accepted, subject to final approval by the Graduate Council and the Faculty Senate Steering Committee.

Motion #01-05:

The Faculty Senate approves the proposal to implement the Ph.D in Social Welfare.

Motion #01-06:

The Faculty Senate approves the proposal to implement the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering .

Motion #01-07:

The Faculty Senate Approves Curriculum Committee Bulletin #1 with the following correction: EMA 4702, Topics in Mechanics and Materials Science, should be two credits, not three.

October 2, 1990 - No motions passed.

October 16, 1990 - No motions passed.

October 30, 1990:

Motion #01-08:

The Faculty Senate approves Curriculum Committee Bulletin #2.

Motion #01-09:

The Faculty Senate requests that the Bookstore Committee study and report back to the Senate on ways to provide economic penalties in identified cases of short-ordering of textbooks by the Bookstore.

November 13, 1990 - No motions passed

November 27, 1990:

Motion 01-10:

The Faculty Senate approves Curriculum Committee Bulletin #3 with the following changes:


P. 14 - FIN 5515 - Should read FIN 4XXX;

P. 17 - EDE 5517 - Should read EDF 5517;

P. 31 - SOW 7492 - Add: Prerequisite or Corequisite: STA 6166 or equivalent.

P. 31 - SOW 7493 - Add: Prerequisite: STA 6166.

P. 32 - HSA 5225 - Organization and Management in Nursing. This should read: Organization and Management in Nursing Home Administration;

BULLETIN #3 SUPPLEMENT: Certificate in International Banking and Certificate in International Bank Management should read: Certificate in Banking and Certificate in International Bank Management;

B.Deletions (Pending resolution between the objecting units):

P. 1 New Track in Economics

P. 8 ECO 7007

P. 13 MAR 7XXX

P. 17 LEI 4881

P. 22 Catalogue changes, Sect. 1,B.4, Law and Policy P. 22 PAD 5038

P. 23 PAD 5838

Motion 01-11:

In the 1990-91 FIU Academic Calendar, June 20 and 21, 1991 listed in the Calendar as "Examination Period" for Summer Term A, and August 12 and 13, listed as "Examination Period" for Summer Terms B and C, shall be considered instead as "Days of Instruction," and faculty shall be instructed to schedule their final examinations on the last day of instruction for any given class.

January 15, 1991:

Motion 01-12:

The Faculty Senate approves the 1991-1992 Academic Calendar.

Motion 01-13:

The Faculty Senate changes in the public identity elements (i.e. logo, building names, mascots, etc.) of FIU shall not be made without formal consultation with the Faculty Senate, A & P Senate, USPS Senate and SGA Senate.

Motion 01-14:

The Faculty Senate demands that the proposed new logo, as well as the use of the phrase "Public University" to describe the university, be discontinued immediately.

January 29, 1991:

Motion #01-15:

The Faculty Convocation should be an annual event held on a non-instructional* day and at the North Miami and University Park Campuses in alternate years. The Provost and the Faculty Senate should be responsible for planning this event.

* A non-instructional day is defined as a day when no classes are scheduled. It should be so designated in the academic calendar for the year.

The Convocation Committee presented the following recommendations for those who plan the next faculty convocation:

1) Faculty Convocation should be an awards ceremony for faculty. There should be a brief statement explaining why the recipient is receiving the award.

2) Convocation should have a theme. Workshops should not be scheduled for the day of convocation, rather there should be a series of workshops on this theme throughout the academic year.

3) Convocation should be held in early October each year.

4) The day of convocation should not be counted as an instructional day. In the calendar it should be explicitly stated that no classes will be held.

5) Participants should be encouraged to wear academic attire, but it should not be required.

6) If there is an academic procession, facultySenators should process as a group.

7) It should be clear that convocation is a faculty, rather than an administrative, event.

8) Perhaps academic attire could be given to faculty members when they attain tenure.

9) Plan convocation during the spring semester. If an outside speaker is to be invited, he/she should be invited during the spring.

Motion #01-16:

The Faculty Senate approves Curriculum Committee Bulletin #4 in its entirety.

Note: Two Experimental Courses, MAE 5995 and MAE 5996 were temporarily withdrawn from the Bulletin.

Motion #01-17:

Full-time advisors, if they teach at least two courses per academic year, are eligible to receive an advising award.

February 12, 1991 - North Miami Campus - No Quorum

February 26, 1991

Motion 01-18:

Any member of the Senate who fails to attend scheduled or called meetings of the Senate three times in a row shall be considered to have resigned and the Chairperson of the Faculty Senate shall instruct the Steering Committee member of the appropriate unit to initiate the process to replace the resigning member as prescribed in Article III-E of the Faculty Senate Bylaws. A meeting of the Senate that is adjourned due to the absence of a quorum shall be counted as a meeting for the purpose of this paragraph.

Motion #01-19:

WHEREAS the Faculty Senate of Florida International University recognizes the outstanding work of the University Presses of Florida, and its Central Publishing Unit (CPU):


- first in enhancing the academic reputation of FIU through publishing outstanding works of scholarship;

- second, for a revitalized and strengthened publishing agenda throughout the SUS system;

- third, in the CPU's support of the national and international visibility of member presses; and

- fourth, in the CPU's operations during the past three years which resulted in a threefold increase in revenues, doubling of the number of books published, and elimination of publication delays of as much as three years in some cases.


The Faculty Senate of Florida International University strongly urges the Board of Regents to:

- maintain the individual imprints of the nine universities comprising the University Presses of Florida; and

- strengthen the work of the Central Processing Unit in the production of books of outstanding scholarship; and

- charge each university with working cooperatively with the Central Processing Unit in the production of books.

Motion #01-20:

The Faculty Senate approves Curriculum Committee Bulletin #5 with the following deletions: Ph.D. in Dietetics and Nutrition, Ph.D. in Linguistics, Ph.D. in Geology, BSC XXX Drugs and Man, and BSC 2XXXL Drugs and Man Laboratory.

Motion #01-21:

The Faculty Senate approves the Master's Degree in Nursing (Request to Implement)

Motion #01-22:

The Faculty Senate urges the President to establish a task force of administrators, faculty and staff to explore ways to ensure that all members of the FIU community are treated humanely and with respect, and have an impartial forum or process for being heard on issues which affect their conditions of employment. FAILS (Maidique memo, 3/25/91)

March 12, 1991:

Motion #01-23:

The Faculty Senate recommends the adoption of the alternate calendar.

Motion #01-24:

The Faculty Senate approves the feasibility and planning proposal for a Ph.D. in Geology.

Motion # 01-25:

The Faculty Senate opposes the Administration's plan to "privatize" the custodial workers and requests that the Administration consult with the Senate well before any future privatization contracts are signed.

March 26, 1991:

Motion #01-26:

The Faculty Senate approves the combined BA/BFA in Dance.

Motion #01-27:

The Faculty Senate approves the implementation of the Ph.D. in Dietetics and Nutrition.

Motion #01-28:

The Faculty Senate recommends that formal courses in College Algebra should be offered for both "native" and transfer students at FIU; these courses should be taught as MDCC courses by MDCC instructors and for dual-enrollment MDCC credit; math placement tests, math assistance, and the above formal courses should be coordinated through the FIU Learning Center; as advising of transfer students is localized in departments, the departments must take responsibility to require success in a math placement test or College Algebra as a prerequisite for their math-based courses or for continued enrollment; and a study should be done on success rates in several math-based courses before and after instituting these proposals.

April 9, 1991:

Motion #01-29:

The Faculty Senate elects the slate of officers as presented by the Nominating Committee: Ralph Lewis, Chairperson, Robert Merkel, Vice Chairperson, Parky Howell, Secretary.

Motion #01-30:

The Faculty Senate approves the 1991-92 Calendar of Senate meeting dates.

May 7, 1991:


Motion #01-31:

The Faculty Senate approves the request by the Department of Biological Sciences for approval of three accelerated combined degree programs with the University of Miami, the University of Florida and the University of South Florida.

Motion #01-32:

The Faculty Senate approves Curriculum Committee Bulletin #7 with the following changes: Delete (Pending Resolution) MLS 6469 (Anaerobic Agents of Infectious Diseases). Alterations: ACG 4341 - Change credit hours from 3 to 4.

Motion #01-33:

Correction of a typographical error in Curriculum Committee Bulletin #3: The Faculty Senate approves the deletion of ECP 7007 from the catalog. This course was mistyped as ECO 7007.