SEPTEMBER 10, 1996
Motion #67-01:

The Faculty Senate approves Jose Maria Aznar, President of Spain, as a candidate for the Honorary Degree Pool.

Motion #67-02:

The Faculty Senate approves John W. Kluge, International businessman, entrepreneur, philanthropist, art collector and civil leader, as a candidate for the Honorary Degree Pool.

Motion #67-03:

The Faculty Senate approves Edward Witten, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, as a candidate for the Honorary Degree Pool.

Motion #67-04:

The Faculty Senate approves United Nations Ambassador Madeline Albright as a candidate for the Honorary Degree Pool.

OCTOBER 1, 1996
Motion #67-05:

The Faculty Senate approves the Implementation Request for a Masters of Music.

Motion #67-06:

The Faculty Senate approves Curriculum Committee Bulletin #1 with the withdrawal of EDG 2991 and RTV 4XXX.

Motion #67-07:

The Faculty Senate approves the Planning/Feasibility Request for the Master of Fine Arts.

Motion #67-08:

The Faculty Senate approves the Planning/Feasibility request for a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering.

Motion #67-09:

The Steering Committee of the Faculty Senate will explore the feasibility of developing a program to invite various members of the Florida legislature to FIU to inform them about what faculty do.


Motion #67-10:

The Steering Committee of the Faculty Senate will devise a mechanism to survey the faculty’s evaluation of the administration of the health care insurance (UNISYS) and work with the Personnel Department to do what it can to dramatically improve the existing service.

OCTOBER 22, 1996
Motion #67-11:

The Faculty Senate will survey the FIU faculty to determine the extent to which problems and issues exist in the instructional environment of the University and gather ideas regarding actions that might be taken to improve the instructional climate.

Motion #67-12:

The Faculty Senate endorses publishing names of tenured faculty members who die while employed at FIU, as well as tenured faculty members who retired from FIU prior to their deaths. The placement of these faculty names, with their rank, will be published within the academic units that awarded tenure, in the Graduate and Undergraduate Catalogs.

NOVEMBER 12, 1996
Motion #67-13:

The Faculty Senate approves the Planning/Feasibility Study for the Ph.D. in Physics.

Motion #67-14:

The Faculty Senate approves the new track in Liberal Studies.

Motion #67-15:

The Faculty Senate approves Curriculum Committee Bulletin #2.

Motion #67-16:

The Faculty Senate formally recommends that the President designates the academic regalia presented to the Senate as the official University regalia to be worn by advanced degree recipients.

Motion #67-17:

The Faculty Senate proposes the use of the larger diploma model for advanced degree recipients and the past recipients of advanced degrees allowed to "trade in" their old diplomas for the new ones.

DECEMBER 3, 1996
Motion #67-18:

The faculty senate approves the amended Policy 1.52 Assignment of Chairs.

Motion #67-19:

The Faculty Senate approves the Policy 8.50 Instruction & Research Data Form.

Motion #67-20:

Mae Jamison and Dewey Knight will be included in the pool of Candidates for Honorary Degrees and forwarded to the President.

Motion #67-21:

The Faculty Senate endorses the Senate task force’s recommendations on tenure.

Motion #67-22:

The Senate shall postpone the vote on the task force recommendations, and continue the discussion of tenure threats and preservation at a future Senate meeting.

JANUARY 14, 1997
Motion #67-23:

The Faculty Senate approves the following Tenure Statement of Principles:


1. Whereas, tenure helps open dialogue and debate about issues and ideas, guards against untoward influence or outright dominance of academic discourse, and casts light on political and other shadows that can cloud the brightness of informed scholarships;

2. Whereas, tenure is not an absolute guarantee of employment yet provides a measure of due process for faculty and is linked to democratic principles, academic freedom, and a continuous dialogue about the rigor of ideas which reveal our best approximations of truth;

3. Whereas, tenure is an imperative of inquiry, free expression, and intellectual development;

4. Therefore be it resolved that the Faculty Senate invites all faculty, students and individuals inside and outside of the academic community to vigorously defend the institution of tenure;

5. Furthermore, the Faculty Senate resolves to work closer with the United Faculty of Florida, the Student Government Association and the administration to educate the public , the Board of Regents, and the Legislature, and to inform the media about issues of tenure.

JANUARY 21, 1997
Motion #67-24:

The Faculty Senate approves Curriculum Bulletin #3 with the following three deletions (courses in Health Care Ethics, Telecommunications Policy & Management, and Introduction to Non-profit Management.

Motion #67-25:

The Faculty Senate approves the request to implement the BA in Theater.

Motion #67-26:

The Faculty Senates approves placing Crawford Young into the pool of candidates for Honorary Degrees and Awards.

FEBRUARY 11, 1997
Motion #67-27: Constitutional Amendment - Article V. COMMITTEES

A.13 Faculty Senate Technology Committee - This committee shall recommend policies and procedures related to the needs and interests of the faculty directly related to technology and perform related tasks as assigned by the Senate.
(Faculty members will be appointed to this new committee to serve for the remainder of the year)

Motion #67-28:

The Faculty Senate approves placing Dr. Wendy Doniger into the 1997-99 Honorary Degree Pool.

Motion #67-29:

The Faculty Senate approves placing Dr. Jroslav Pelikan into the 1997-99 Honorary Degree Pool.

Motion #67-30:

The Faculty Senate approves Sir Ghillean Prance into the 1997-99 Honorary Degree Pool.

MARCH 4, 1997
Motion #67-31:

The Faculty Senate approves Curriculum Committee Bulletin #4 with the exception of ENV 6XXX, Engineering Assessment of metal Contaminants and Colloidal Transport and ENV6XXX, Hazardous Waste Site Assessment.

Motion #67-32:

The Faculty approves the Implementation Request for a Ph.D in Civil Engineering.

Motion #67-33:

The Faculty Senate approves the Implementation Request for a Master of Fine Arts in Visual Arts.

Motion #67-34: Constitutional Amendment:

1. All members of the Senate will be members of a standing committee of the Senate for at least one year of each elected two-year term.
2. Members not elected or appointed by their respective units by the beginning of the second year of their term will be appointed (by October 1 of their second year) to a standing committee by the Faculty Senate Chair with the guidance of the Steering Committee and the Senator’s preference.
3. Priority in the placement of members will be to committees lacking Senate representation. No committee will have more than two members added to it, nor than one from any unit.
4. Non-tenured FacultySenators may be excused from service, at their requests; others may be excused by the Steering Committee for exceptional circumstances.

Motion #67-35:

In a previous resolution we the Faculty Senate of Florida International University stated the importance of tenure to the well being of a university. As Judge Melvin has noted, tenure is "not merely a reflection of solicitude" for individuals, but necessary for the "general Welfare" in its protection of "uninhibited scholarship and its free dissemination."

Consequently, the Faculty Senate resolves:
1. That faculty act to educate the Board of regents, Legislature and the public in support of tenure and its benefits to society.
2. The faculty of Florida International University remains vigilant to ensure that Sustained Performance Evaluation not be allowed to diminish or destroy the rights and responsibilities or, indeed, the very existence of academic tenure.
3. That this resolution be transmitted to other faculty senates for their consideration.

Motion #67-36:

The Faculty Senate invites the President, Provost, vice presidents and deans to stand beside them in both the advocacy and defense of tenure, particularly in encounters with the Board of Regents, the Legislature and the public.

Motion #67-37

The Faculty Senate approves the Academic Affairs University Outreach Policy(Section 12.1) as amended.

Motion #67-38:

Florida International University Faculty Senate
United Faculty of Florida/ Florida International University Initiative

Recognizing that the faculty at the contemporary American university must identify vehicles to advance and protect the university in general and the faculty in particular

The Florida International University Faculty Senate and the Florida International University Chapter of the United Faculty of Florida have come together on common ground for the purpose of sharing information and concerns, strengthening the faculty voice, promotion the interests of higher education and improving the quality of faculty life by taking the following steps:

1. The Chair of the Faculty Senate will be regularly included on the agenda of meetings of the UFF/FIU Executive Council;
2. The President of UFF/FIU will be regularly included on the agenda of the FIU Faculty Senate meetings;
3. The two faculty organizations will develop joint statements on issues of mutual concern;
4. The two faculty organizations will work together on projects advancing the best interest of the FIU faculty.

Motion #67-39:

The Faculty Senate approves the 1997-98 University Academic Calendar.

MARCH 25, 1997
Motion #67-40:

The Faculty Senate will work jointly with the United Faculty of Florida to support a Constitutional amendment to reclaim money raised through the sale of lottery tickets for education.

Motion #67-41:

The Faculty Senate approves Charles Perry (FIU founding President) to be submitted to the pool of nominees for the FIU Honorary Degrees.

Motion #67-42:

The Faculty Senate approves Cornell West to be submitted to the pool of nominees for the FIU Honorary Degrees.

Motion #67-43:

In accordance with Article 10.3(b)(1)a of the 1997-1998 BOR-UFF Agreement and in the spirit of faculty governance, the following motion is offered:

Whereas Article 10.3(b)(1)a of the 1997-1998 BOR-UFF Agreement states that "only elected faculty may participate in the development of applicable procedures [for implementing the Sustained Performance Evaluation], and whereas it is now policy of the FIU Faculty Senate and FIU-UFF to cooperate in addressing issues of mutual interest, Therefore be it resolved that the FIU Faculty Senate and the FIU-UFF jointly sponsor a university-wide nomination and election of faculty to the University Ad Hoc Procedural committee for the Sustained Performance Evaluation,

1. The committee will consist of one faculty member and one alternate from each of the following units:
College of Arts & Sciences
College of Business
College of Education
College of Engineering and Design
College of Health
College of Urban and Public Affairs
School of Hospitality Management
School of Journalism and Mass Communication
School of Nursing

                         2. All faculty are eligible to serve on this committee.
                         3. The committee will elect its own chair.
                         4. The committee will develop its charge and its procedures consistent with Articles 10.3(b)(1)a through 10.3(b)(2)b   of the 1997-1998 BOR-UFF Agreement.

APRIL 15, 1997:
Motion #67-44:

The Faculty Senate approves Curriculum Bulletin #5.

Motion #67-45:

The Faculty Senate approves an Honors Track in Religious Studies.

Motion #67-46:

Results of the election of officers for the 1997-98 Faculty Senate are:

Chair: Awilda Haskins

Vice Chair: Krishnan Dandipani

Recording Secretary: Mohammed Farouk

Motion #67-47:

In an effort to facilitate the formation of the Sustained Performance Evaluation Committee, each academic unit will elect a representative and an alternate to the Sustained Performance Evaluation Procedures Committee during its regular spring elections.

Motion #67-48:

The Honorary Degree & Awards Committee unanimously requests the endorsement of the Faculty Senate to reopen the application period for the 1996-97 faculty awards, extending the deadline to July 14 and keeping the present criteria.

JUNE 3, 1997:
Motion #67-49:

The Faculty Senate approves Curriculum Committee Bulletin #6 in its entirety.